You should always look down on a circus 2

You should always look down on a circus 2

I’ve been busy, honest, working on drawings and sculptures for the circus piece as well as drawing every day and continuing with VR stuff.

I added four drawings to the circus

, this is one…

circus pastel 1 of 4

circus pastel 1 of 4 pastel on paper A1

I made some of the elements in VR using masterpiece VR and reduced the polygons in 3ds Max to take them into Unity.

I’m also making the harlequin, juggler and tumbler in plaster, the harlequin is the tallest piece standing at about one metre.

I had another early morning revelation about drawings I’d made that might be good to create in masterpiece VR so I started a few of these, I’ve made a new gallery

for the drawings – an old sketchbook that I’d buried as inadequate – so that I can view them in VR as guides when I build.

This is a film of one of them in VR.

I’ve also been looking through the camera trap I have in my garden, a few days ago I got this film of a fox.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this yet, there is at least a drawing or two in it, but we’ll see in time.

November Update

A brief note gathering the daily drawings.

#200 in series of continuous daily drawings

The sunglasses were the 200th consecutive day, I have it in my head to reach a full year but who knows?

I completed October, and have started on November, still left handed but the arm is getting better.

I’ve been continuing to work on the Miro VR and have been rejected by ACE for a Lottery Grant but I’ve resubmitted. This is holding off the Gardens Project, but that’s another post.

One Handed Working

All of this is typed with one finger on my left hand as I’ve got tennis elbow! As best as I can figure I’ve developed an RSI from drawing on the iPad. It may also have something to do with digging.

52 left handed pastels

52 left handed pastels

So I’ve had to draw with my left hand, I haven’t tried painting yet – I feel as if requires more control – and made these 52 5”x 7” pastel drawings of the garden. I’ve also been drawing daily on the iPad, with my left hand since the 2nd September.

Drawing with your wrong hand is a strange activity in that it involves stilling the involuntary spasms that your usual hand makes due to muscle memory and conciously switching the natural action to its mirror image. It feels as if you are thinking differently at first, but after a while it seems as if there is a bar to your usual thinking so that the process is foggier.

Since my last post on August 18th I’ve begun a couple of paintings

Balby Garden Robin

Balby Garden Robin

This robin is 10” x 10”, as is the Edlington Woods painting below.

Edlington Woods Branch

Edlington Woods Branch

I also entered a local online competition with this small painting of birds…

Birds Do It

Birds Do It

which is 12” x 9”, they are all oils on board.

dogs on beach

dogs on beach

old mine works

old mine works

lathkill dale

lathkill dale

I also started three more, same sort of sizes, that I haven’t been able to finish yet.

All of these are a way to teach myself to paint with oils again.

I also finished the August Gallery