
Paintings and Sculpture – Drawing – 3d modelling and virtual environments

Draw Every Day - May 24

Draw Every Day – May 24

Draw Every Day – May 24

Continuing to draw every day, finished the 16th sketchbook on the 26th May,  after drawing with a set of watercolour pencils since the 12th April. The 16th sketchbook covered the fourth anniversary of daily drawing, on the 6th, and ends with the 1,481st consecutive drawing. Started book 17 using brush pens and a mixture of black, grey, sepia and sanguine ink.

The drawings are made any time from 9:00 am at the breakfast table and occasionally later in the day if I’m away from home.

The drawings have been posted since the beginning, 6th May 2020, on instagram https://www.instagram.com/latham_1959

You can see previous months through the galleries page https://www.ian-latham.com/blog/galleries

or you can go straight to April’s drawings here –

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