The Geranium Project (R&D) 32

This week the project hit a bit of a standstill as all I need to do is round things off for the project. I’ll post a version of the final report next week as a final R&D post. I sgot hold of a 10m HDMI cable to move the projector to a darker part of the studio and put up some extra curtains to restrict the light.

Projection from Unity executable

The projection is not great although it is better than the photograph shows and I can run the VR from an executable file now.

I’m writing an essay about the philosophy of the piece after my last meeting with Mike Stubbs but I’m not entirely comfortable with it. I’ve followed up on the artists he mentioned and I find little common ground other than technology. They’re all interesting artists in different ways and I’ve always found it much easier to be interested in artists who I don’t feel as if I’m competing with. I’ll think about explaining that sentence more when I’ve finished this project. The closest work I’ve seen to mine is Jakob Kudsk Steensen, there is an interview with him on the Louisiana Channel here,

and he has this work on at the Serpentine. It represents an ancient forest, created from studies of several real life locations in America, and he models in great detail. In the end though he’s made a film. What I’m really thinking about now is agency within the artwork and whether that is important or not?

This video is from the executable file.

The Geranium Project (R&D) 31

Monday was spent making further adjustments to the VR world. One of the difficulties of working in VR on your own – the way I do it – is that you are continually moving into and out of the virtual as you make slight adjustments in Unity. It is hard to tell what effect they have had without taking the time to try out the world. On Monday I spent time doing this having been frustrated that I forgot to copy the bird_knot animations onto my portable disc so I couldn’t bring them into the model.

You get a sense of the small iterations I mean from the video above.

I’ve managed to work out the PIR for my arduino for the thunder inside the installation but part of working it out meant I discovered a collection of new parts I need to make the finished article. I tried to get the webcam working to cover this on Wednesday but there is a fault that means I can’t adjust the motion detection subtly enough to detect movement when I want it.

Friday was a chance to copy the current version of the VR before I attempt the build again and to shoot a view of the installation in its almost finished state.

I’ve also managed to set up a projection of the VR experience.

Projection from VR

The Geranium Project (R&D) 30

Monday 20th January, finally managed to work on the textures for the gardens and the bird knots. I painted another, final?, coat on to the installation as well.

Starling Texture One

I overworked this one a bit, so it needs to dry.

Starling Texture Two

This one is better.


This is the entrance to the installation,

looking back from the screen

Looking back from the projection,

towards the entrance

and back to the entrance.

I think I’ll have to call it a day if I want to get the other things I’m working on done for February 10th.

On Wednesday I had a visit at the shop from Juliet Farrar who runs Doncaster Creates for the council. She tells me that the target for the project is to develop knowledge of the arts presence in the town, at least I think that’s how it breaks down. There isn’t the investment for a city, or town, of culture, and there is little to no value in a festival yet. There is a strong offer in the arts in Doncaster but it is disparate and therefore has no discernible presence. Once again we seem to be at a point where things might happen, there is a lot going on, but it may be another false dawn.

On the Tuesday I made a new version of the geranium project installation projection. This is a low resolution version of it.

The rest of the week was interupted by Vets, Dentist, and rats in the garden. I managed to do some more work on the animated birds and Luke has pretty much resolved the AR for the installation. It may well be that we make a version that works externally to the installation, or can be carried in to it.